Best Daily Tour of Turkey From Your Location

Best Daily Tours combines historical, cultural, and natural sites all around Turkey and offers you the best adventurous trips, natural trips, historical trips, and cultural trips, from your location. Luxury Turkey Daily Tours From Istanbul.

  • Kayseri Historical and Cultural Daily City Tour
    Kayseri Historical and Cultural Daily City Tour

    Kayseri Castle, Kayseri Clock Tower, Kayseri Grand Bazaar, Museum of Seljuk Civilization,Erciyes Ski Resort Mount, Hunat Hatun Mosque Güpgüpoğlu Mansion/Ethnographic Museum, kayseri Archeology Museum.

    Highlights of Tour: Best Kayseri Historical, Cultural and Natural Daily Sightseeing City Tours Kayseri Castle, Kayseri Clock Tower, Kayseri Grand Bazaar, Museum of Seljuk Civilization, Hunat Hatun Mosque and Complex, Kayseri Archeology Museum Tour, Erciyes Ski Resort Mount!

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    4.4 of 5(115 Rew.)
  • Kayseri Historical and Churches Daily City Tour
    Kayseri Historical and Churches Daily City Tour

    Kayseri Surp Krikor Lusavoric Armenian Church: Today, seven churches are belonging to the Armenian community in Anatolia. Kayseri Mother Mary Church - Kayseri City Library: Although this magnificent Church does not have a definitive inscription as to when and by whom it was built.

    Highlights of Tour: Tour of Kayseri Surp Krikor Lusavoric Armenian Church, Kayseri Mother Mary Church - Kayseri City Library, Kayseri Roman Toomb, Yoğun bastion Kayseri City Walls

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    4.4 of 5(115 Rew.)
  • Kayseri Derevenk Valley Kayseri Tavlusun and Kayseri Germir Villiage Tour
    Kayseri Derevenk Valley, Tavlusun and Germir Villiage Tour

    It is possible to come across the footprints of the past and experience the excitement at any time in the narrow streets of Germir and Tavlus, which are very close to Kayseri, intertwined with history and everywhere covered...

    Highlights of Tour: Derevenk Valley (Walking part), Tavlusun (Agios Basileos) Lower Greek Church in Kayseri, Tavlusun Armenian Church, Kayseri, Kayseri Germir Panagia Church, Kayseri Germir Priest's House (old mansion, Kayseri Germir School, Germir Historical Linseed Oil Mills Museum.

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    4.4 of 5(115 Rew.)