Turkey Tours Istanbul offers you the best daily Blacksea, Rize, Rize Ayder, Trabzon Uzungol, Artvin Safsat Karagol Lake Tours

  • Daily Trabzon City Tour From Trabzon, From Your Location and From Istanbul
    Daily Trabzon City Tour From Trabzon, From Your Location

    Atatürk pavilion: Atatürk pavilion was built by Konstantin Kabayanidis in 1890 in Soğuksu District overlooking Trabzon. Botanical Park: Dazzling Route with Its Beauty, Every street in this delightful park where you can walk in Trabzon Botanical Park is full of invasive effects. Trabzon Aquarium: The project, which is the first aquarium in a tunnel in the world, was planned to connect the Zağnos and Tabakhane Valleys. Trabzon Hagia Sophia (Fatih) Moaque: The historical Hagia Sophia Mosque, which was converted into a mosque by Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan after his conquest.


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  • Daily Trabzon Tour of Hidirnebi (Haider Nabi) Highland, Düzköy, Fish Lake, Çal Cave, Sera Lake.
    Daily Trabzon Tour of Hidirnebi (Haider Nabi) Highland, Düzköy, Fish Lake, Çal Cave, Sera Lake From Your Location.

    Hidirnebi (Haider Nabi) Highland: Hıdırnebi Highland, one of the Highlands of Akçaabat district. Düzköy: Düzköy Haçka Obası Highland, with an altitude of 1784 m, spends the summer months with festivals. Fish Lake: Leaving spring behind with shades of green, endemic vegetation, and seasonal flowers. Cal Cave: Çal Cave, 5 km southwest of Düzköy District of Trabzon province. Sera Lake: Sera Lake is within the borders of the Yildizli District of the Akçaabat district of Trabzon, day of nature tour in the Trabzon.


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  • Daily Trabzon Karaca Cave, Hamsikoy Valley, Sumela Monastery, Zigana Valley Canyon Tour
    Sumela Monastery, Karaca Cave, Hamsikoy Valley, Zigana Valley.

    Trabzon Sumela Monastery and Altındere National Park Sumela Monastery, also known as the Panagia Sumela Monastery or the Monastery of the Virgin Mary. Zigana Valley Canyon region, calling out to Gümüşhane on one side and Trabzon on the other, Zigana hides historical and natural beauties in its tourism area spread over 40 thousand square meters. Karaca Cave Trabzon is a magnificent natural wonder that was created by nature after millions of years of effort, was engraved with patience, and every point was given the same care. Hamsikoy Valley located in the Hamsiköy Trabzon.


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  • Uzungöl Gegion, Hapsiyaş Bridge, Çaykara Equestrian Club Horse Farm, Sultan Murat Plateau Daily Tour
    Uzungöl , Hapsiyaş Bridge, Horse Farm, Sultan M. Plateau Tour

    Hapsiyaş Bridge: Our first stop is Hapsiyaş Bridge, which is located on the Çaykara route, and is also known as the Tiled Bridge due to its red roof. Çaykara Equestrian Club Horse Farm: A break at Çaykara Equestrian Club Horse Farm. You can have a good time with your family at this place, which is just on the right side of the road when you enter Çaykara. Sultan Murat Plateau is 150 km from Trabzon city center and 50 km from Uzungöl. It got its name because Murat IV stopped here with his army and performed Friday prayers while returning from the Iran campaign in 1635.


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  • Tonya Canikdere Waterfall, Kaldırak Plateau, Peace in the Bosom of Nature 'Barak Lake' Tour
    Tonya Canikdere Waterfall, Kaldırak Plateau and Barak Lake Tour

    Tonya Canikdere Waterfall: Tonya Canikdere Waterfall: A paradise located in the Tonya district of Trabzon. It is 90 kilometers away from the center of Trabzon and has been on the agenda recently, especially with its natural walking path. Kaldırak Plateau: It is one of the most beautiful plateaus of Kadıralak, "Barak Lake" was created by filling the water of a flowing stream.

    Highlights of Tour:Tonya Canikdere Waterfall, Kaldırak Plateau, Peace in the Bosom of Nature 'Barak Lake' Tour

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  • Daily Uzungöl District, Demirkapı Plateau, Haldizen Mountain, Seven Lakes and Uzungöl Mosque Tour
    Daily Uzungöl District, Demirkapı Plateau, Haldizen Mountain, Seven Lakes, Com Cafe - Restaurant and Uzungöl Mosque Tour

    Uzungöl District is one of the natural beauties of Trabzon, Uzungöl is 99 km from Trabzon and 19 km from Çaykara district and is approximately 1090m above sea level. Seven Lakes: Haldizen Mountain Seven Lakes, Aygır Lake – Balıklı Lake The crater lakes located in the area known. Com Café is one of the most famous cafes in the Uzungol region. It is located on a high hill and has an outside balcony directly overlooking the famous Uzungol Lake. Uzungöl Mosque is located in the busiest. Seven Lakes and Uzungöl Mosque


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  • Ayder Highland, Fırtına Valley and Optional Zipline, Rafting, Ottoman Old Stone Bridge, Ayder Gelintülü Waterfall and Glass Tesras
    Ayder Highland, Fırtına Valley, Ottoman Bridge, Glass Tesras Trip.

    Fırtına Valley and Optional Zipline, Rafting: Rafting is a great way to spend time with your family and friends. River cruises (Excursions) are different from other holidays. Ottoman Old Stone Bridge: Old Ottoman Stone Bridge and cascading waterfall. Start your journey at Firtina Valley, renowned for its rushing waters that captivate with a stunning green landscape. Ayder Highland: Ayder Plateau, located in Çamlıhemşin, stands out at 1350 meters. Ayder Gelintülü Waterfall Glass Tesras: A glass observation deck was created for visitors to watch Gelintülü Waterfall.


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  • Rize Zil Castle, Çat Plateau, Palovit Plateau, Palovit Waterfall Daily Tour
    Rize Zil Castle, Çat Plateau, Palovit Plateau, Waterfall Daily Tour

    Zil Castle: The Black Sea Zil Castle is a region that attracts attention with its wonderful places to visit and historical artifacts. Çat Plateau Rize: Çat Plateau is the place of natural wonder. If you are in that area, definitely do not miss it and also go to Çat village. Palovit Plateau Rize: Palovit Plateau is established at an altitude of 2338 meters. It is one of the largest plateaus in the region with 3 neighborhoods, two of which are Hemşin and one is Laz. Palovit Waterfall Rize: Palovit Waterfall, located in the Kaçkar Mountains National Park, is one of the waterfalls with the highest flow rate in Rize.


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  • Artvin Çaglayan Village, Hopa Natural Beauties, Boçka Karagöl and Macahel Tour
    Çaglayan Village, Hopa Beauties, Boçka Karagöl, Macahel Tour

    Çaglayan Village: Çağlayan Village is located at the easternmost end of the Black Sea Region, within the borders of Meydancık (Diobani) Sub-district of Şavşat District of Artvin Province. Hopa Natural Beauties: Hopa is a typical Black Sea district with its natural beauties. With its lush green forests, clean air, and nature, Hopa has many natural beauties worth seeing. Çamburnu Nature Reserve is one of these. Boçka Karagöl: Boçka Karagöl is 27 km from Borcka district. Macahel:It consists of six separate villages in Borcka district of Artvin. Macahel is a very special route, especially for nature lovers.


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  • Daily Artvin Kafkasör Plateau, Artvin Ardıç District, Şafşat Karagöl, Artvin Yavuzköy Tour
    Kafkasör Plateau, Ardıç District, Şafşat Karagöl, Yavuzköy Tour

    Artvin Kafkasör Plateau: Artvin Kafkasör Plateau is 10 km from the plateau in the southwest of Artvin. It is reached by an asphalt road. The plateau is 1,250 m. It is at a height and is worth seeing. Artvin Ardıç District: İskender Pasha Mosque and Tombs: It is located in Adakale locality, Ardanuç district. Şafşat Karagöl: Şafşat, which is rich in rivers, has many glacial lakes. Artvin Yavuzköy: Located 4 km away from Şavşat district, Yavuzköy bids farewell to our guests heading from Artvin to Ardahan with a view you can only see...


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