Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque, Bozdoğan Aqueduct, Kariye Mosque, Ivaz Efendi Mosque, The Porphyrogenitus Palace

    TOUR CODE: TTI - 209


    Kariye Mosque, Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque, Ivaz Efendi Mosque, The Porphyrogenitus Palace, Bozdoğan Aqueduct, Abu'l-Vefâ Tomb

    Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque: The Mosque was built on a hill overlooking the Golden Horn by his son, Suleiman the Magnificent, in the name of Yavuz Sultan Selim. İvaz Efendi Mosque: The outer courtyard of the mosque is 1937 square meters. Palace of the Porphyrogenitus (Palace of Blachernae): It existed for a long time as a part of Blahernai, the imperial palace used by Byzantine emperors since the 12th century. Fatih Bozdoğan Aqueduct: Fatih Bozdoğan Aqueduct was completed by the Eastern Roman Emperor Flavius Iulius Valens in 378 AD. Seyid Ebu'l-Vefâ el-Bağdâdî el-Kürdî Mosque and Tomb: Although the exact construction date of Sheikh Ebu'l Vefa Mosque is not known, it is estimated that it was built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1476. Sheikh Ebul Vefa Mosque and Tomb: It is understood that Şeyh Vefa Mosque was built in H.881 / M.1476. It is learned from the repair inscription on its door that the mosque was repaired in 1171 H. / 1757 A.D.

    Kariye Mosque: It was decided that the Kariye Museum, which dates back to the 6th century in the Fatih district of Istanbul and has been well preserved from the Byzantine period to the present day, was transferred to the Presidency of Religious Affairs and opened for worship with the decision published in the Official Gazette in August 2020.


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    Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque: The Mosque was built on a hill overlooking the Golden Horn by his son, Suleiman the Magnificent, in the name of Yavuz Sultan Selim. İvaz Efendi Mosque: The outer courtyard of the mosque is 1937 square meters. Palace of the Porphyrogenitus (Palace of Blachernae): It existed for a long time as a part of Blahernai, the imperial palace used by Byzantine emperors since the 12th century. Fatih Bozdoğan Aqueduct: Fatih Bozdoğan Aqueduct was completed by the Eastern Roman Emperor Flavius Iulius Valens in 378 AD. Seyid Ebu'l-Vefâ el-Bağdâdî el-Kürdî Mosque and Tomb: Although the exact construction date of Sheikh Ebu'l Vefa Mosque is not known, it is estimated that it was built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1476. Sheikh Ebul Vefa Mosque and Tomb: It is understood that Şeyh Vefa Mosque was built in H.881 / M.1476. It is learned from the repair inscription on its door that the mosque was repaired in 1171 H. / 1757 A.D.

    Kariye Mosque: It was decided that the Kariye Museum, which dates back to the 6th century in the Fatih district of Istanbul and has been well preserved from the Byzantine period to the present day, was transferred to the Presidency of Religious Affairs and opened for worship with the decision published in the Official Gazette in August 2020.

      • It is a private tour package, it would operate privately for individual or groups, and booking is required in advance.

    Food - Gastronomy

    Set menu lunch at the tours includes the package cost but drinks excluding.

    Photography - Taking Amazing Photos

    You can take lovely photos during the tour.


    If you have walking difficulty please let us know in advance.


    There is no cruise included.


    08.30 You would pick up from your hotel and start to visit the following sites listed below.

    List of the places you will visit:

    Kariye Mosque: It was decided that the Kariye Museum, which dates back to the 6th century in the Fatih district of Istanbul and has been well preserved from the Byzantine period to the present day, was transferred to the Presidency of Religious Affairs and opened for worship with the decision published in the Official Gazette in August 2020. Kariye Mosque was built in the 14th century as the church of the Khora Monastery complex. However, the early history of the monastery can be traced from written sources between the 7th and 9th centuries. During the archaeological excavations carried out between 1957 and 1958, important data regarding the architectural history of the building were discovered in the lower layers, along with remains of unknown quality dating back to the 6th and 7th centuries, as well as ruins thought to belong to a church built in the 11th and 12th centuries. After the conquest of Istanbul, Sultan II. Some of the frescoes and mosaics in the building, which was converted into a mosque by Atik Ali Pasha, one of Bayezid's grand viziers, were covered. When the building was converted into a museum in 1948, the mosaics and frescoes were rediscovered with restoration work that continued until 1960. Frescoes are among the important examples of Byzantine painting art that have survived to the present day. Mosaics, on the other hand, are considered the harbingers of Renaissance art with the depth and mobility of the figures.

    Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque:The Mosque was built on a hill overlooking the Golden Horn by his son, Suleiman the Magnificent, in the name of Yavuz Sultan Selim. It is understood from the inscription on the crown gate that its construction started in H.926/AD1519 and was completed in H.929/AD1522. Although some publications show the architect of this complex as Mimar Sinan, archive documents show that the work was built by Architect Acem Ali. In fact, at this time, Sinan had not yet started to work as an architect and it is mentioned in Sai Çelebi's Tezkire that it was not his own work. The wide surface of the mosque, which has a square plan, is 24 m. diameter and 325 m. It was covered with a large pan-tantif dome at a height and the weight of this dome was loaded onto the arches embedded in the walls3. The resting place wings, consisting of nine units, are covered with small domes with pendentives on the sides. It has a square base, a polygonal body, a single balcony, and balcony bases made of muqarnas and is made of clean stone workmanship, 38 m long. in height. Its two minarets are placed at the corners where the resting place wings and the fountain courtyard meet. The Hunkar Mahfili on the left side of this mosque, which was built entirely of kofeki stone, is built on elegantly sliced, arched, lower ceilings decorated with exquisite multi-colored pen work and built on marble columns of various colors. The marble pulpit and stone mihrab with grid decorations on the sides are in a simple and classical style, depending on tradition. The door wings and window covers show beautiful woodwork, enriched with ivory and mother-of-pearl. The pointed arched window pediments inside and in the courtyard were manufactured with colored glaze technique and decorated with elegant tiles. There is a sundial on the wall nİvaz Efendi Mosque inext to the entrance gate of the inner courtyard.

    İvaz Efendi Mosque: The outer courtyard of the mosque is 1937 square meters. This courtyard is separated from the street level by a wall. The other side of the courtyard is the city walls. The architectural plan of the mosque is a rectangle close to a square. The inner sanctum of the mosque is 208 square meters. It has a single central dome. The central dome is supported by five semi-domes. The central dome, based on six arches and six piers, has a diameter of 9.80 meters and a height of 16.60 meters. It has a total of five semi-domes, two on the right and left of the main dome and one above the mihrab. Light is provided in the interior with 12 round-arched windows at the source of the dome. At the entrance of the mosque and along the side walls, there is a "U" shaped women's gallery with six columns on each side. This section has wooden railings. There are two symbolic main brick arches on the side walls of the mosque. There are three rows of windows under these arches. The mosque is built alternately from cut stone and brick. Unlike Ottoman Classical mosques, the mosque does not have a central main door. However, the building has two doors in the north and south parts. It is written on the plaque above the entrance gate that it is the Mimar Sinan mosque.

    Palace of the Porphyrogenitus (Palace of Blachernae): It existed for a long time as a part of Blahernai, the imperial palace used by Byzantine emperors since the 12th century. It is not known exactly by whom and when the palace was built. The structure was called the Constantine Palace (Palatium Constantini) by Europeans in the 16th century, and later the Porfirogenetos Palace. The historical building, located in a location overlooking its surroundings and under the protection of the city bastions, was also described as a "High Palace" in old sources. It is said that it was built as an addition to the palace here during the Palaiologos dynasty. This palace called the Porphyrogenitus (Born in the Purple Room) Palace, is the most intact remains of the Blackhernai Palace. Over time, while the Turks called this place Tekfur Palace, the Byzantines called it Palatio (Palace) in their own language, so this sentence turned into Balat for the Turks, and thus another district name emerged. We know that Istanbul was extremely battered and worn out during the Latin invasion. As a matter of fact, when Fatih Sultan Mehmet captured Istanbul, the scene he encountered made him very sad. This situation was not different for Tekfur Palace. In fact, since it was a building within the walls, it was badly damaged during the Ottoman attack. This was the first Imperial building captured during the conquest of Istanbul. It is even said that this palace was used by Mehmet the Conqueror for three months after the conquest of Istanbul.

    Farih Bozdoğan Aqueduct: Farih Bozdoğan Aqueduct was completed by the Eastern Roman Emperor Flavius Iulius Valens in 378 AD. For this reason, it is also called the Valens Aqueduct. It is located in the Saraçhane region within the borders of Fatih district. Bozdoğan Aqueduct is part of a water transport system that is around 250 kilometers long. The Valentin Aqueduct, one of the largest water channel facilities of the ancient period, filled Constantinople's water tanks (numerous underground cisterns and open pools), totaling 1 million cubic meters. Istanbul has been a city that has suffered from water shortage throughout history. Especially many large public buildings, palaces, the increase in population, and, of course, baths built after it became the imperial capital, increased the need for water. Emperor Constantine, who was an extremely experienced ruler, made the city his capital and started the construction of an aqueduct. The exact start time of construction cannot be known. For this reason, it is accepted that the date is between 306 and 337, when Constantine reigned, because historians are sure that he started the construction. Another thing they are sure of is that Constantine did not live long enough to finish this arch and Emperor Valens completed the unfinished work. That's why the Roman people at that time began to call the arch the Valens Aqueduct. Although both names are used today, the name Bozdoğan Kemeri is a little more widely used. Various additions and maintenance were made to the arch during the Roman period. Perhaps the most important of these are those built during the reign of Justinian. Justinian I connected the Bozdoğan Aqueduct to the Basilica Cistern, the largest water tank in Istanbul during the Roman period, and the Binbirdirek Cistern that came after it. In addition, Theodosius I had a new arch built for the city in 328 AD, after the drought that affected Constantinople very seriously. A part of the arch was destroyed during the siege of Istanbul by the Avar Turks in 626. I could not find out why this section outside the walls of Constantinople was destroyed. There are two logically realistic possibilities. First; The Romans may have destroyed the arch themselves. Thus, they could have prevented possible espionage activities and the dangers of poisoning the water. Because entering and exiting the city through the arch by taking advantage of the darkness of night was not a big move. Latter; That part of the arch may have been destroyed by the Avars to leave the city without water. About two centuries later, Constantine V repaired the damaged parts of the arch during the drought in 758, giving the Romans living in the capital a sigh of relief. The Valens Aqueduct underwent its last major repairs in the 11th century.

    Seyid Ebu'l-Vefâ el-Bağdâdî el-Kürdî Mosque and Tomb: Although the exact construction date of Sheikh Ebu'l Vefa Mosque is not known, it is estimated that it was built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1476. It was established within the Zeyni lodge in the name of Muslihiddin Mustafa Efendi, known as Sheikh Ebu'l Vefa, who was the sheikh of the Zeyniye sect who migrated from Konya to Istanbul after the conquest of Istanbul. It was first built as a mosque, and later it became a social complex with additions. It was built next to Şeyh Ebu'l Vefa Mosque between 1481 and 1490. Beyazıt turned this place into a social complex by building a madrasah, dervish cells, soup kitchen, and library. After the sheikh died in 1490, a tomb was built on his grave. Over time, as the relatives of the sheikh were buried around the tomb, a hazire was formed surrounding three sides of the mosque. The main mosque and bathhouse were destroyed, but the sheikh's room in front of the mosque, some walls of the tomb and madrasah, and a fountain have survived in their original form until today. The mosque and social complex, which were damaged by fire and earthquakes, underwent various repairs and were reopened for worship with the last restoration in 1994. The mosque, which has survived to the present day with changes, has a rectangular structure and its walls are made of stone and brick. The building has one large and two small domes. Ebu'l-Vefâ el-Bağdâdî, el-Kâkes veya el-Kürdî lakaplarıyla da bilinen Ebu'l-Vefâ Tâcü'l-Ârifîn Seyyid Muhammed bin Muhammed Arîz el-Bağdâdî (d. 1026 - ö. 9 Aralık 1107), Vefâ’îyye tarikâtının kurcusudur. Menâkıbnâme’sinde Ali el-Mûrtezâ'nın soyundan bir seyyid olduğu kaydedilmiştir. Sheikh Ebul Vefa Mosque and Tomb.

    17:00 End of the tour you will transferred to your hotel

    * Contact: You can contact us by e-mail >> [email protected]


    Price Included

    • Hotel pick up and drop off transfers service.
    • Entrance fee.
    • Set manu lunch at the tour.
    • All ground transports & transfers with air-conditioned, nonsmoking minibus, and vans!

      • The order of the itinerary is indicative and subject to change, and you can add and remove another place on the same route (The entrance fee of the new place that will be added to the itinerary not including the given price).
      • This is a private tour, a service provided only to you and your companions.
      • The vegetarian lunch option is available upon request.


    • Drinks at the lanch.
    • Dinners.
    • Personal expenses.
    • Tips and gratuities.

    No acommodation on daily tours

    Terms & Policy

    Tour Reservation Policy

    How to book and pay in cash:

    • Booking of the priced package and daily tours: To book the tour you like, fill in the pre-request form on the page and send it to us, if it is a priced package you want to reserve, we will contact you immediately with the details of the payment rules are explained, and we will share the payment information with you after we inform you.
    • Booking of not-priced packages and daily tours: If you choose a tour that has not yet been priced when your request reaches us, the necessary updates will be made to the tour package you have chosen accordingly date you have provided and will be shared with the you after pricing. We will present it for your confirmation. .
    • When a priced tour request is made by the customer and reaches us from the reservation form, a response is made immediately and the payment information of the payment rules is shared, when the package is confirmed by the customer, we always request a 30% advance payment to confirm the requested package booking. We send details of the money transfer with Western Union or bank transfer (western union is recommended), we request from customers a 30% ____€/$ advance payment of the whole amount of ____€/$ and a copy/copies of the participant's passport for the required bookings. When we have received the advance payment, the tour package will be confirmed, and the balance payment ____€/$ will be paid to us in cash when customers arrive in Istanbul.
    • How to book and pay in cash:

    • If you are ordering to reserve a priced tour package payment deposit form has to be filled out with all the requested details. These details include the client’s full names as they appear on their passports. Once the form is fully and legibly filled out and signed by the clients indicating agreement and adherence to our company policies, it will have to be sent to us by the clients to authorize Turkey_Tours_Istanbul to proceed with tour booking and charge the clients credit card or debit card. Or Or we can provide an online payment link that will be sent up to the amount to be paid, you can pay directly from your credit card!
    • A 30% deposit is required on the total tour price to reserve the tour and obtain tour confirmation. The remaining balance on the total tour price can be paid in cash upon arrival in Istanbul. A credit card or a debit card may also be used to pay the remaining balance. However, an additional bank processing fee of 19% on the remaining balance will have to be paid by the clients. If applicable, domestic flight/bus tickets will only be purchased after a deposit has been made on the total tour amount.
    • Please note that per the written itinerary some tours may require full payment at the time of booking which can be made using a credit card.
    • Cancellation / Refund Policy:

    • If tour cancellation is 5 or more business days prior to the start of the tour, a refund will be made of the total paid amount except the cost of the domestic flight and/or bus tickets. Any time after a deposit or full payment form has been signed or tour has been booked online by clients and received by Turkeytoursistanbul.com, domestic flight and /or bus tickets will NOT BE REFUNDED.
    • If tour cancellation is within 5 business days of the start of the tour, a refund will be made of the total paid amount except the cost of the domestic flight and/or bus tickets and the cost of a first-night hotel stay. The cost of the domestic flight and /or bus tickets and the first-night hotel stay will NOT BE REFUNDED.
    • If cancelled within 48 hours of the start of any tour, NO REFUNDS will be made to clients by Turkeytoursistanbul.com.
    • Administration Fee:

    • For ALL cancellations a non-refundable administration fee of 10% of the total tour package price per person will be charged. This low fee is to cover the costs of administering your reservation and will be applied to all cancellations processed regardless of the tour start date.

    • The administration fee is in addition to the cancellation/refund policy charges described under the Cancellation / Refund Policy section above.
    • Special Notes:

    • In order to protect your personal property, please bring any valuable items with you at all times. Please do not leave any valuable items on the bus or at the hotel, attraction, or restaurant. Turkey Tours Istanbul, local operators, drivers, and tour guides are not responsible for any theft or loss at any location.
    • Airport transfers will be provided with a shuttle service that will be shared with other travelers. This means that you may at times have to wait for other passengers before departing during pick-up and drop-off transfers.
    • If an itinerary includes a shopping stop, the whole group will be taken to a shop to look around and shop if they so desire. If you are not interested in shopping, as part of a group you will still need to wait for others in the group who are interested in shopping and may be making a purchase. A purchase at these shopping stops is absolutely not mandatory. You may also stay inside the bus or wait outside the shop for the duration of this stop if you do not wish to enter the shop or want to make a purchase. If you do not wish to make any shopping stops with a group, please contact us about booking a private tour for you that is fully catered to your needs.

    Important notice:

    1. Please use your own credit card or debit card to pay for your booking.
    2. At least one of the passengers should be the credit card or debit card holder.
    3. If you ask another person not taking this tour to pay for you, please ask the credit card or debit card holder to send an authorization letter and ID card to info@turkeytoursistanbul.com right after he/she has paid.

    I have READ, UNDERSTOOD, and AGREE to the Terms & Conditions of Turkey Tours Istanbul



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